A student’s journey at Carp Ridge Healing House
by Marion Westoll, Healing House student
I recently had the fortunate opportunity to enroll in the Healing House Host training program taught by Katherine Willow, ND at Carp Ridge Natural Health Clinic.
Two years ago friends and family said I really should use my innate gifts of healing and creativity, and put them to good use. I concluded they were right — but how could I do this?
I did not have any recognized workplace skills in this particular area, and I had no formal training. Then I saw Katherine’s advertisement in a local magazine. It announced her vision of what a Healing House was, and invited me to an information session.
I simply knew intuitively that this was the path to follow.
Carp Ridge is currently in the middle of training sessions for Healing House Hosts. We are in our sixth class and I can honestly say I am learning something new, meaningful and beautiful. Our classes are once a week for two hours at the clinic.
We are learning basic principles of Ayurvedic healing, specifically the three main ‘doshas‘ and their respective characteristics. Ayurvedic medicine has been practiced for 5,000 years and it embodies the awareness of mind, body, and spirit for carrying out true healing.
It is truly fascinating to learn the basics of these teachings so easily, and it is a skill that anyone can learn and use.
We are also learning concepts of German New Medicine (GNM). I feel lucky to be able to be part of this exciting new journey into healing and learning. We explore GNM through lectures and the use of CD’s. Katherine presents this material in an easy to understand format, and I find it very empowering to discover the connection between emotions, thoughts and physical health. These two teachings will be very beneficial in the future and they will definitely be of use in my future Healing House.
I am also grateful for the opportunity to learn more about running a Healing House, and exploring different venues for promoting it and understanding the nature of the business. It is a holistic approach to healing -– an approach I am certain will be embodied in our conventional medical system in the future.
Knowing that my particular Healing House will operate under the guidance of Healing House Canada and Dr. Willow solidifies in my mind that this vision will become a reality. I now know that I will be doing something valuable with my gifts while creating an income for myself at the same time.
I urge anyone reading this article to call the clinic at 613-839-1198 to find out more, or email me at marionwestoll@yahoo.ca. I also urge anyone out there with an interest in the healing arts to seriously give this a try. The opportunities will be plentiful and hugely rewarding.