Beltane Artisan Market
The month of May is around the corner and with it the seasonal celebration of Beltane, the beginning of pastoral summer season when traditionally livestock move to summer fields. The word Beltane derives from the Celtic “Bel” or “Bil” meaning ‘bright’ and “teine” meaning ‘fire.’ It is considered the ‘springtime festival of optimisim’, connecting us to the increasing energy of the sun. Beltane falls right between spring equinox and summer solstice and is considered a time of seeding new possibilities, growth, and abundance.
In our mission to offer programming grounded in the reclamation of Folk Wisdom and Folk Arts, Ninth Wave Arts ushers in Beltane with a seasonal Artisan Market and Celebration!
Join us for fun, creativity, springtime energy, and amazing local artisan vendors! From candles to crystals, to art, to herbs, to fabric creations and photography, we have whimsy and magic bundled in for the day. Bring the family and enjoy the offerings on hand!
Experience the change of season with good folks to chat with, fresh forest air to energize you, and yummy food to eat. Meet truly skilled local creators of beautiful wares. Explore creating a seasonal offering at our craft table. Join in on a forest walk, a bonfire sing-a-long, and seasonal teachings, all while enjoying the beauty of the blossoming landscape.
You may find yourself taking home inspiring hand-made items, getting insight from a card reader, or tasting spring tea offerings. Lie down on the grass and daydream as you gaze at the clouds, braid flowers into your hair, dance, or simply smile as you breathe it all in.
As an educational not-for-profit, we offer experiences aiming to inspire wellness, creativity, community, and connection to nature.
Come join us!
Ninth Wave Arts