Matt Selic: Awesome employee, in pictures
Hello fellow readers of the Carp Ridge newsletter!
My name is Matt Selic, and I am currently most fortunate to be able to call Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre my place of work. What a dream come true! (that’s my son, Owen)
To be able to while away the days in toil here among the indescribable beauty of the natural world is a dream that has long been latent in my heart and spirit, and one that has now so abundantly sprouted forth and borne fruit.
There is always work to be done, and my various maintenance duties always bring me to something new and challenging; never does one day blend into the rest! I help to take care of the land and properties here, and can often be found busy trying to create solutions to various challenges that arise. Happy to be of service!
It is often difficult when trying to describe one’s self; for this newsletter I was asked to do just that, so I decided that perhaps I different approach might be refreshing.
Rather than try to put my life into words, I thought I would share a few images of things that I find beautiful; things that just, well, FEEL like me.
The images may not make any logical or cohesive sense, but to me they’re like a little glimpse or cross-section of what my world looks like.
These are things that simply make sense to me. They make me feel good and alive. They make me think ‘yeah — that’s ME!’ (and that’s my cat, Snoopy)
I hope you are all able to discover your own beauty reflected in the world around you 🙂
~ Matt