Spreading Peace
This email came across my path recently (thanks Sylvia) and I am motivated to share it. When CREWC manager Lori wondered if it might be too controversial, we decided that I’d write an introduction to explain why it’s included in our newsletter.
For decades I have understood that we are able to affect people with our minds from a distance and have had several clear demonstrations of this. As I became more aware of the shocking violence that is occurring in so many places on our planet, I often thought that concentrated positive energy could help us collectively turn toward peace.
This project is just that. It feels simple and straight forward to me and I hope you will add your 15 minutes of focussed images/words/feelings/prayers of peace to help the suffering people in the middle east—both the terrorists and their victims.
At the very least it will open our own hearts another notch…at the most, if we are successful, there is the possibility of a wave of growing love to heal the long-standing wounds of humanity.
Amazing News
James Twyman to Share Peace Prayers with President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad
What began as a mission to unite millions of people in prayer has transformed into an amazing opportunity for peace. Plans are currently underway for James Twyman to travel to Damascus to sing the Muslim Prayer of Peace to none other than Bashar al-Assad, the embattled President of Syria.
This trip is reminiscent of one The Peace Troubadour made in 1998 when he was invited to perform the Peace Concert in Baghdad for Saddam Hussein at the same time the US and its allies were preparing to bomb Iraq. At that time an email went out that invited people to send their affirmative prayers of peace to the situation and millions of people responded. There didn’t seem to be any possibility of avoiding a terrible conflict. In fact, at the same time the prayer vigil was planned President Clinton had given the signal for the bombing to begin. To this day no one knows exactly what happened, but on that night two stand-down orders were given, calling the fighter jets back to their ships.
Is it possible that in the face of such a focused prayerful effort,
it was impossible for violence to prevail?
We will continue to share the information as it develops, but for now only one thing is important ~ We need you and millions of other people to join us in this effort. James is putting everything on the line, and you can join him energetically while he is there.
Register for the vigil HERE
Many have asked why we are asking people to register for the vigil, and there is a very simple answer. The actual time and place of where James will be on January 31, and therefore what time the vigil will be, is being held back for security reasons. Everyone who registers will be notified 12 or so hours before it happens. This gives us the chance to instantly notify millions of people who are ready to serve this effort of peace. (Your address will not be used for any other purpose.)
This vigil is meant to demonstrate the overwhelming power of focused, affirmative prayer on situations of world crisis. It has been scientifically tested and all the evidence points in one direction ~ The power of prayer is stronger than any weapon on earth. Help us turn 2016 into the year of PEACE! Share this with everyone you know and make sure you register with the link above.