Summer Nature Camp a Huge SUCCESS!
Our charity, Willow Community Circle sponsored 6 weeks of Summer Nature Camp, including our first ever ADHD youth camp at Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre. We enjoyed sunny weather, high camp enrollment and the opportunity for the children to spend lots of time playing out in nature. We were pleased to provide our healthy lunches/snacks and our new wilderness playground, in addition to offering a great alternative to time spent on screens. A big thanks to our guest speakers, all the Nature Camp Counsellors and volunteer Nature Camp Counsellors in training that contributed to making the Nature Camps a success!
We were thrilled with our experience at Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre’s summer camps and so were our 2 boys. This was our second year sending our kids to camp and, despite both our kids being apprehensive about being in new surroundings, they looked forward to going each day. They couldn’t wait to tell us about what they had learned or created and enjoyed the freedom to discover nature. The personal attention of the counselors was comforting as a parent, from the morning greetings, to the email summary with pictures showing their daily adventures. We look forward to next year’s camps! Meg and Ian Nolan