Deep rest is a radical act that requires skill.
It’s not as simple as taking a break, listening to soothing music, going on vacation or observing your breath. It’s a conscious practice that...
With Margie Hill
The deeply healing sound of Crystal singing bowls have a profoundly rejuvenating effect on the human body. Crystal bowls are attuned to the seven energetic centres in the body and...
Date/time: Friday, Nov 27 from 12:30 to 2pm
Location: Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre, 2386 Thomas Dolan Pkwy, Carp
Cost: $20+HST per person
Registration: 613-839-1198 or lori @
RSVP by Nov 20th
Maximum: 10 pairs (you don't...
It’s December and we’re heading toward one of the most challenging times of the year: Christmas holidays. We’ve taken the lowest point of the four seasons, when we are meant to be...