It's a brilliant sunny day with spring snow glistening off the trees. Despite the cold, I am filled with optimism for the future.
The core of this good feeling is partly the seasonal...
Group healing is a new format for health and personal development that we are offering at Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre this fall. Although I am retired from the private practice of naturopathic...
by Katherine Willow N.D.
From a holistic point of view, colds and flus are not a matter of catching a “bug”, they are about being off balance, physically and emotionally, through congestion, nutritional...
By Katherine Willow
This topic interests me personally. After decades of being driven by subterranean terrors, I find myself finally and concretely learning to feel my body, ground into safety and create a...
It’s December and we’re heading toward one of the most challenging times of the year: Christmas holidays. We’ve taken the lowest point of the four seasons, when we are meant to be...
Ask a Naturopathic Doctor
Restoring our Sleep with Correct Lighting
In this column I’d like to introduce the correct wavelengths of light that we need in the evening to have a nourishing sleep.
The benefits...
It’s a rainy Sunday evening of the first afternoon alone in a month. I spent four hours on the couch sleeping beside the woodstove and am beginning to feel human again. I...