Her Storied Lands – In Cycle
- Friday, December 1st
- 7-9 pm
- 4596 Carp Rd. Carp
Register at https://www.ninthwavearts.ca/
Are you curious about the mystical places; destinations for healing and wisdom. She invites us to walk old Druid pathways of remembering. She teaches us of community, sovereignty, cycle and dreaming. She calls to those yearning to reclaim the gifts of the Goddess.
These workshop teachings explore the time before, that leads us to ancient cosmology and wisdom, and takes us deep within the yearning of our soul cauldrons. Through experiential practices, we share and wonder, dream and reflect.
Each month’s offering invites us through a different entry point towards Her wisdom.
About Kristine Karpinski
I’m a massage therapist, sound & energy practitioner, teacher, mentor, creative. I believe our body holds deep bio-intelligence, the map of all knowing. We are wise beings, though sometimes our wisdom is in the shadows, gestating for needed times. I believe joy and grief are fundamental source energies enlivening our reason for being here.
I have had the grace of studying with master teachers, and have also apprenticed with the Bees, the Sound and the Dance, Water and Trees. I journey with many healing tools on offer.
My calling is in service to others and the greater story.