
Welcome to Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre

Dedicated to Health, Healing and Sustainability
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

Monday to Friday 8-4pm and by appointment


Clinic - 2386 Thomas A Dolan Parkway, Carp, ON K0A 1L0


Dreading December? How to create a peaceful, low-stress holiday

If you are dreading the holiday season, come to an informal gathering about handling things differently this year!

Thurs, Nov 24 & Thurs, Dec 1, 2:30-4pm
Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre, at the Healing House (next to the residence, down the path from the Clinic), 

4596 Carp Rd, Carp, ON

Presenter: Janice Calnan MEd, MS, TQM, PCI, TY.
nice has many years experience as an author, speaker and change consultant.

Cost: $20, Please RSVP to Colette at 613-839-1198 before Nov 21st.

Here’s what we’ll talk about in the first session:

What exactly is stress?  How does it impact you?  What you can do about it. There’s a bit of homework to do about your own situation to bring to the second session. You’ll learn not only about yourself, but how other people deal with the holidays.

In the second session:
Learn to make a holiday plan, and realize the power that comes from thinking about it, writing it down and sharing it. Anyone who finds this period of time a challenges, small or large, should try and come to the gathering!
