Here comes the sun ~ light (& a discount for newsletter readers)
by Lynn Fraser, Nikken Wellness Consultant & Educational Consultant
The new KenkoLight II is now available.
Human beings weren’t meant to be indoors all the time. Sunlight is good for us — but we spend our days in our homes or offices. To enjoy the benefits of a more natural environment, there is the Nikken KenkoLight II. This is a full-spectrum lamp that produces a broad, evenly balanced range of wavelengths, including those which correspond to natural solar energy.
Why is exposure to full-spectrum light so important? Evidence suggests that it can promote a healthy, normal sleep/wake cycle. In some research, this light was found to help older adults sleep better at night. Other studies indicate that it may assist in improving sleep and learning ability in adolescents. KenkoLight also slightly increases the amount of blue light, which has been identified as a potentially positive influence on circadian rhythm.
These results can’t be duplicated with ordinary incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, because they provide light in uneven or incomplete frequency ranges. In addition, conventional lighting sources create an imperceptible flickering effect that can cause increased fatigue or eyestrain. The KenkoLight LED array is a completely different technology, designed to reduce or eliminate flicker and glare.
KenkoLight illumination is similar to natural sunlight except in one important respect. The KenkoLight emits no potentially harmful ultraviolet rays — the element of natural sunlight that has been linked to premature skin aging and skin cancer.
This form of lighting is much more energy efficient, using less electrical power and lasting up to 60 times as long as a light bulb. The KenkoLight features a clock display and timer with sunrise lighting — a wakeup setting that gradually increases in brightness to help the sleeper awaken more naturally. The dual-position support arm with diffuser allows KenkoLight to be used as a desk lamp and as a mood or nightlight. A built-in USB port adds versatility. The features and benefits of KenkoLight II can be viewed at
The KenkoLight II Full Spectrum Desk Lamp costs $236
($200 for readers of Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre newsletter)
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