Are you new to Retreats?
If you have never been to a retreat, it is understandable to feel a bit nervous about signing up for one. In order to relieve your mind, here is what to expect.
You start by arriving at 4pm on the Friday to be welcomed warmly by staff, shown your accommodations if you are staying here and offered tea and snacks in the beautiful bed and breakfast dining room. Or if you prefer, you can take a nap, walk on our gorgeous Carp Ridge trails or hang out in the kitchen to learn how to prepare new dishes.
Dinner will be delicious and friendly, with participants and staff getting to know one another. This continues in the short evening session over icebreakers, an introduction on what to expect and time to ask questions. This is an opportunity to express your goals for the retreat so that everyone can support each other. We break early in order to have a refreshing sleep.
Next morning, we begin with a meditation, tea and talk session at 7am but encourage people to sleep in if they are tired. Breakfast is followed by a class on identifying your body type and how to optimize it, which is usually very enlightening! After a break we do a lovely yoga class—or you can nap or go for a walk. Lunch is another delicious, friendly meal—or you can take it in silence if you wish.
After lunch there is a break, time for resting, walking, chatting, a sauna or health services, and then we reconvene in the afternoon for a healing session where you will experience simple and effective tools to resolve stress in your life. It includes going out into nature and allowing the quiet to inspire and nurture your mind. The healing session is followed by another break for walking, journaling, services or resting. After dinner we offer a session with soothing music as people are usually sleepy by then.
Sunday is similar with meditation, breakfast and a class on using water therapy to boost your vitality. The movement class will focus on spinal health and restorative yoga to help with fatigue. Lunch is a celebration with a special dessert that is remarkably guilt-free.
The final circle is maybe the most important event in the retreat. We come together to share our experiences, make sense of what happened and clarify how to move forward at home. By this time, we have bonded as a family and promise to stay in touch with each other for ongoing support. People are glowing and happy and go home with a new lease on life.
That is what we generally see. If someone is still struggling, we do everything possible to help them through. The environment here is dedicated to your healing and we look forward to seeing you at this upcoming retreat April 5-7.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or 613-839-1198 or Register Here