
Welcome to Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre

Dedicated to Health, Healing and Sustainability
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

Monday to Friday 8-4pm and by appointment


Clinic - 2386 Thomas A Dolan Parkway, Carp, ON K0A 1L0


Bioenergetics Workshop: Sun, October 17th

We’ll have the honour of hosting George Reilly again for a Bioenergetics workshop on Sunday, October 17th. George is a long-time psychotherapist, and teaches this method of movement which brings deeper emotions and tensions into awareness.

With profound gentleness, George will lead participants through simple exercises followed by questions, and ending with the opportunity to lie on a mattress and energetically release old feelings that result in a rush of warmth in the chest.  Apparently the founder of Bioenergetics used this daily and lived well into his nineties. . .

You can experience his introduction to Bioenergetics at the Learning Centre on Sunday, Oct 17 from 10am to noon (cost is $40).  Call 613-839-1198 for info and to register.

George will also teach at the Mind-Body Healing Retreat, Nov 19-21.

Comments from the gathering:

“Easy to apply, enjoyed being more grounded, calm and gentle.” BB

“Appreciated the gentle approach following the body’s wisdom.” VR

“Gentle and profound — put me more in touch!” KW
