Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre demonstrates sustainable practices
In honour of World Water Day, each year on March 22, and with the support of the Rural Clean Water program from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, the Carp Ridge Learning Centre developed a presentation to feature the benefits of composting toilets as a way for rural properties, especially those that front on streams, rivers and lakes, to handle human waste. This year’s World Water Day will be held at the Central Library in Ottawa. For information and to register go to
Composting toilets use no water, there is no danger of contamination of wells, streams, lakes or rivers. They use no chemicals…in fact, a composting toilet is a wonderful environmental solution for farms, cottages, cabins or any place you need a toilet, turning waste into a valuable resource. The compost that is created can be used in landscaping or on vegetable gardens. It is a rich, safe material that has been processed by friendly bacteria. They do their work without creating any noxious odours.
We want to encourage more people to consider using them to save water, especially in rural areas. Don’t worry, the Ontario Building Code allows ‘drain less composting toilets’ in all applications. For more information about composting toilets, see our Frequently Asked Questions posting. PDF FAQ – composting toilets
If you have never used a composting toilet but you are curious, please come and visit us at the Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre. We have 6 composting toilets and are very happy with them. Check for upcoming activities and make a quick trip to our composting toilets during your visit.