
Welcome to Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre

Dedicated to Health, Healing and Sustainability
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

Monday to Friday 8-4pm and by appointment


Clinic - 2386 Thomas A Dolan Parkway, Carp, ON K0A 1L0


Children in the Forest…and More!

On Sunday morning we woke up to first snowfall. The adults groaned. The kids flung on snow gear and burst outside, not to be seen again until lunch. When I finally went out to inform them that their meal was getting cold, it took me quite a while to find the two boys, following clues of meandering tracks, toys, snow forts, toboggan trails and sounds of laughter. The air was crisp under one of those perfect blue skies, the sun warming my face.
My intention for the day had been to start scouting a new trail dedicated to our children’s programs, leaving the current trails for the adults and quieter activities such as forest bathing or meditative sessions in the yurt. But inside work prevailed: laundry, cooking, cleaning and a couple of power naps to get me through some weekend sleepiness.
Luckily, I get to run the PD camp this Friday where we WILL explore the wild part of the 190 acre property here at the ecowellness centre. We will not only imagine a new trail, but shelters, benches, nooks, climbing trees, wild food and interesting things to share with other children. We are currently applying for funding (almost done!) to plan and build this new trail as well as adding signs, videos and website stories…maybe even an accessible part for wheelchairs!
At the Carp Fair this year several boys and I encountered a miniature log cabin complete with wood stove that had been built in a matter of days. Our dreams went rampant, seeing a self-made clubhouse complete with outdoor kitchen, home-made tools, a garden, doing pioneer skills that we have lost—such as processing the entire sheep fleece we scored after watching its owner being shorn. When asked, the farmer said he typically receives $2.50 for it and whether I wanted it. Did I—of course, and slipped him a ten!! I could already imagine us cleaning, carding, spinning and weaving crafts at this year’s camp. It is now lying in wait in the hallway to our family room, much more than ten dollars worth of fun to come…
Otherwise, we are planning for improvements and additions to our usual children’s programs: Forest Preschool two mornings a week; PD day, March Break and summer camps with even better content and cooking organic healthy meals with the children; a week for children/families with ADHD challenges, full of immersion healing and education; a new children’s garden; and beginning discussion about serving our special needs community.
Stay posted and see you in the woods some day, with or without your children…
PS If you are interested in being more involved in our programs and centre, we would love to have you volunteer and/or sit on the board of our charity, Carp Ridge Learning Centre. It’s about the time when we do our strategic planning for the upcoming year and you are welcome to give us input about what you would like to see happen at this magical place.
