Multi-Layer December Cleanse
It’s a mild, snowy Tuesday morning. A cup of detox tea is brewing.
–Immediately I hear some of you protesting, “But you always told us to stop detoxifying as soon as it gets cold!”
Yes, I know. Despite the season, I’m on a gentle winter cleanse: mostly off eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar, chocolate, soy and red meat for the month, right through Christmas! Adding in a bit of milk thistle, staying warm (the tea has ginger in it, which helps), daily rebounding, taking hot/cold showers and ongoing inner work complete the regime.
I’ve done this before and loved avoiding all the Christmas “treats”, which are offered EVERYWHERE, resulting in overload, lethargy and then depression and continued bad eating when the festivities are long over. There are so many delicious healthy foods that I in no way feel deprived. And it gives me more energy for family, friends and work. To be honest, I get a little irate about this overabundance of awful food disguised as goodwill and need to breathe and let it go. Done…smile…
You’ve probably noticed that my slowing down continues: the German New Medicine (Mind Body) Intros are stopping and I’m taking some time off in the New Year. As light begins to show at the end of this workaholic tunnel, my body and mind start to believe that I’m serious, that there will truly be a time of balance where healing can happen. My energy is beginning to pick up, my mind is clearing, my thoughts about myself experiencing a normalcy that’s never been. Instead of the flip-flop of feeling worthless or better than everyone else, (yeah, it gets bad sometimes…), I can just be a regular person with skills and flaws like anyone else. In lurches. It’s not a straight road forward.
The best parts are the spiritual glimpses. Replacing despair and arrogance with humility brings a delicious surrender and acceptance.
Working with my staff helps me move in this direction. As I’ve been quite irritable over the past few months, it has affected the lovely people around me, which has caused pain, both in them and in myself. This has been deeply motivating to move into a better state—and not in a straight line either; there have been many apologies.
This is all part of the healing, shedding old garbage that is physical, emotional and mental. It makes me feel very positive about the New Year.
wishing you grace on your journey and rest over the holidays…
As for this monthly blog, it is good for me. Thank you so much for your empathetic listening! I’ll post it on the website and our new Facebook page, which I don’t use myself, but am told is a good way to communicate.