
Welcome to Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre

Dedicated to Health, Healing and Sustainability
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED


Monday to Thursday 9am-4pm;
Friday 9am-3pm and by appointment


Clinic - 2386 Thomas A Dolan Parkway, Carp, ON K0A 1L0


Ask a Naturopathic Doctor: Holistic Group Healing with a Naturopathic Flavour…

Group healing is a new format for health and personal development that we are offering at Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre this fall. Although I am retired from the private practice of naturopathic medicine, I wanted to continue to share my knowledge and experience in a way that allows me to do my own healing work and be available to my family.

We ran a naturopathic group as a pilot project a few years ago with great success: patients were able to obtain many of the same results as in one to one visits in a more affordable way and with the support of others on the same path. It turned out to be a lot of fun.

Using what we learned and with the power of the internet for extra talks, questionnaires, handouts and articles, we are offering a ten month long process of monthly two hour sessions. In each session there is a meditation and a lecture on fundamental health issues, including seasonal changes in diet, exercise, sleep, treatments and inner work. This will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Recommended homework and extra reading will be available at the end of each session. For people who need more diagnostic tests or treatments, we will have an extensive list of referrals available.

Our schedule will look somewhat like this:

September: Meditation. Setting the foundation: introductions & overview of holistic principles; health goals; discovering one’s body type; starting to exercise; understanding “slower is faster”. Preparing for a fall cleanse. Navigating Thanksgiving. Q&A.

October: Meditation. Going over homework. Developing an individualized cleanse from beginning to end. The critical importance of digestive function and how to improve it. Q&A.

November: Meditation. Analyzing the results of the cleanse. Preparing for winter. Navigating the Christmas season. The startling importance of sleep and how to rest and sleep well. Q&A.

December: Meditation. Where are we at spiritually. Picking a practice to explore or deepen. Surviving family dynamics over the holidays. Healthy sweets and Christmas recipes. Q&A.

January: Meditation. Mental & emotional health. Safe techniques for inner work and a hopeful new paradigm about how our psyche intimately relates to our physical health. Q&A.

February: Meditation. Sexuality, glands and relationships. Learning how to recharge our energy. Picking a relationship to improve. The power of gratitude and forgiveness. Q&A.

March: Meditation. Exercise renewal—developing an individualized program. Preparing for a spring cleanse. Q&A.

April: Meditation. Holistic spring cleansing—body, mind and soul…and our homes! Feng shui and tips for clutter. The importance of safe cleaning and personal care products. Q&A.

May: Meditation. The definition and benefits of energy work. Practices to take home. EMF protection. Taking stock again… Q&A.

June: Meditation. Where we are and where we want to go… Celebration and certificates of completion. Principles of summer health. Final visualization of our future. Q&A. (We may decide to go longer on this one!)

Cost: $60/session or $500/year. Pre-registration required by September 21, first session Thursday, Sept 24 from 1 to 3pm at Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre, 2386 Thomas A. Dolan Parkway, Carp, ON. Registration: www.ecowellness.com/programs or email Lori @ ecowellness.com or call 613-839-1198.